Design Studio, Markus Dobmeier
Kyaninga Inclusive Model School, Uganda


May - September 2022

Kyaninga Child Development Center KCDC, Uganda
The NGO KCDC provides the urgently needed therapies for disabled children. At the location in western Uganda, children and their families are successfully supported through medical treatment and education, enabling them to lead a dignified and independent life.

The goal of KCDC is to build an inclusive school with the pedagogical vision of experimental and cooperative learning on the grounds of the therapy facilities. The question was how to create an adequate environment for this vision and how special forms of learning can be promoted through suitable spaces. This resulted in the actual task for the design studio: the Kyaninga Inclusive Model School, KIMS.

one of the design ideas for the integrative school

The fact that one of the students comes from Uganda and had already visited the NGO before traveling to Europe, was an important contribution to the design.

Markus Dobmeier, guest professor