Carbon Footprint Analysis of a BASEhabitat Project
Vorasiri de Cadenet, SUT Thailand - Guest Lecture

BASEhabitat Lecture Series #8

Tue, April 09, 2024, 10:00 - 12:00 am

diearchitektur, University of Arts Linz
Hauptplatz 6, 4020 Linz

The research collaboration in Nakhon Ratchasima with Suranaree University of Technology (Institute of Engineering), Thailand began in October 2023. Researchers from the BASEhabitat team travelled to Thailand to kick off the project.
Together we analysed the carbon footprint of a building of the BASEhabitat BAAN DOI project in Northern Thailand. The analysed guesthouse was mainly built with renewable and local materials such as bamboo and clay. It was built by our PhD students in 2022 for the NGO Baan Doi.
At SUT's facilities, we test samples of bamboo and clay with the help of our staff to demonstrate their potential and promote their use.

Vorasiri de Cadenet is professor at the School of Environmental Engineering, Suaranaree University of Technology (SUT) in Thailand. During her visit at Kunstuniversität Linz she is going to present the research methodology and the results of the analysis.
The project is the result of an ASEA-UNINET Cooperation between University of Arts Linz, diearchitektur, BASEhabitat and Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) Thailand, Institute of Engineering,, School of Environmental Engineering.